Piriformis syndrome refers to pain in the buttocks area, just below your low back. The piriformis is an important hip muscle and is located near the sciatic nerve in the buttock, one of the largest nerves in the body. If the piriformis muscle aggravates the sciatic nerve, stinging pain or numbness and tingling may occur in the buttock or down the back of the thigh.
Piriformis muscle tightness and pain can be caused by prolonged sitting or standing. Many athletes develop tight, painful muscles in the buttock that can lead to piriformis pain.
While you are healing, you may need to avoid staying in the same position without a break, such as driving long distances or sitting in front of your computer without moving.
Physical therapy can address the muscle and nerve tension that is usually associated with piriformis syndrome. You can learn muscle stretches, strengthening, and education in daily habits of movement so that you can return to activities of work and play.